724-719-2093 [email protected]


Here are the top six reasons why families with young drivers should use i.e. Insurance for their personal insurance:

  1. We’re Independent – This means that we have access to multiple insurance companies so we can (and will) shop around to find you the best pricing for the coverage you need. Not only do we shop for the best policy when you come to us as a new client, but we continue to keep an eye on pricing in the years to come!
  2. We Keep Up With You – Every family experiences life changes, but with younger drivers those changes happen faster and are more drastic. Things like being on the Dean’s List, driver training programs, attending college, those part time jobs through school, getting that first ‘real’ job, graduation day, and moving on their own all have insurance implications that families should be aware of and capitalizing on!  Our team keeps in contact with you at each renewal to make sure that your coverage remains appropriate for your needs and you’re getting all the discounts you deserve!
  3. We’re Here To Help Your Teen Transition Into Adulthood – with every client in our office, when a teen starts driving for the first time, we request to speak to the child to help them start to understand what insurance is, why they need it, what happens when they use it, and what safe driving looks like. Many of our parents thank us for being someone other than them helping with some of the ‘parenting’ duties!
  4. We Celebrate Your Wins and Sympathize with Your Losses – While we love delivering good news of pricing going down because your teen has been driving for three or five years, an accident is old enough that it no longer impacts pricing, or new safety features on your car lowered your costs, we really shine when bad things happen. No one likes to see pricing go through the roof because of an at fault accident, but more importantly we’re here to help you through the insurance claim process to make sure that you are taken care of appropriately, understand the process, and get back to good as soon as possible!
  5. We Really Do Enjoy What We Do – it’s obvious talking to any of our team members that we absolutely care about your family and their needs. We work diligently over and over to make sure you know exactly how much we care.  We may only be ‘your insurance agent’ to you, but to us you’re a part of our lives and we want to see you happy, healthy, and whole!
  6. – we utilize lots of tools and processes to make working with us easy and youth-friendly. We have a smart phone app that lets everyone in your household have access to their insurance documents, so no one will be out on the road without a current car insurance card.  Our clients can text us, message us, find us on the web and on social media, and we’re always looking for new ways to make it easier to work with us!

If you’re ready to get a conversation started, you can contact us by phone at 724-719-2093, email us at [email protected], or hit us up online at Facebook, Instagram, Our Website, or Connect to Our Smart Phone Ap